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The Ordered class represents a collection of tick values and provides methods to change, reset, and insert/update tick values for components.

Example Usage

// Create a new Ordered object
const ordered = new Ordered();
// Change the tick value of a component
ordered.changeComponent('component1', 'key1', 10);
// Reset the tick values
// Insert or update the tick value of a component
ordered.upsertComponent('component2', 'key2', 20);


  • changeComponent(id: string, key: string, tick: number): boolean: Changes the tick value of a component identified by its ID and key. Returns a boolean indicating whether the operation was successful.
  • reset(order: OrderedData = {}): void: Resets the tick values to the provided order or an empty object.
  • upsertComponent(id: string, key: string, tick: number): boolean: Inserts or updates the tick value of a component identified by its ID and key. Returns a boolean indicating whether the operation was successful.


  • order: OrderedData: The collection of tick values for components.