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The Symbols class represents a collection of symbols and provides methods to manipulate and access these symbols.

Example Usage

// Create a new Symbols object
const symbols = new Symbols();
// Add symbols to the Symbols object
symbols.add('symbol1'); // Returns the index of the added symbol
symbols.add('symbol2'); // Returns the index of the added symbol
// Get the list of symbols
const symbolList = symbols.getSymbols(); // Returns ['symbol1', 'symbol2']
// Get the enum of symbols
const symbolEnum = symbols.getSymbolsEnum(); // Returns { 'symbol1': 0, 'symbol2': 1 }
// Find the index of a symbol
const symbolIndex = symbols.find('symbol1'); // Returns 0
// Get the symbol at a specific index
const symbol = symbols.get(1); // Returns 'symbol2'
// Reset the Symbols object with a new array of symbols
symbols.reset(2, ['symbol3', 'symbol4']); // Resets the Symbols object with ['symbol3', 'symbol4']


  • constructor(object: { _list?: string[] } = {}): Constructs a new Symbols object with an optional list of symbols.
  • add(symbol: string): number | null: Adds a symbol to the Symbols object and returns the index of the added symbol, or null if the symbol is not valid.
  • copyEnum(enumObj: Enum | Object = {}): void: Copies an enum into the Symbols object.
  • fetch(payload: number | string): [string, number]: Fetches a symbol and its index based on a payload, which can be either a symbol or an index.
  • find(symbol: string): number | undefined: Finds the index of a symbol.
  • get(index: number): string | undefined: Gets the symbol at a specific index.
  • getSymbols(): string[]: Returns the list of symbols.
  • getSymbolsEnum(): Enum: Returns the enum of symbols.
  • merge(symbolTuple: [string, number]): void: Merges a symbol tuple into the Symbols object.
  • reset(offset: number, symbolsArray: string[] = []): void: Resets the Symbols object with a new array of symbols.


  • _list: string[]: An array that stores the symbols.
  • _enum: Enum: An object that represents the enum of symbols.